Clean All World
Ecology Has No Borders.
You can contribute to the preservation of the Earth
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About us
Our team brings together people from different countries and continents. Every Tuesday at 8 am we pick up trash from Phangan's beaches.

People of all nationalities participate in our activities. Our volunteers are Thais, Russians, Europeans, North and South Americans, visitors from Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Africa. We all understand that nature has no borders. Discarded plastic bottle will be for the next 500 years poisoning the nature - wherever it is located.
We believe there are two ways to save nature

Firstly, we need to introduce the principles of responsible, environmentally friendly consumption. We are trying to do this: we post educational materials in social networks, hold online and offline events.
Since project start on November 2022:
cleanups have been conducted
tons of trash collected and taken out for recycling
volunteers were recruited to participate in the cleanups
Recycling facility
Secondly, we need to increase the share of recycled plastic. That's why we want to set up a small recycling facility on Phangan. We are going to make useful things out of the garbage collected on the beach.
Learn more
We invite you to contribute to the preservation of nature
The money we raise will be spent on setting up and running the production facility. Reports on expenditures will be posted on our website
Contact me:
Alexey Savkin
Phone: 082 221 8155 (Thailand)
+7 903 257 60 28 (WhatsApp, Telegram)